Рейтинговые 3d-модели

Chicken stock

  • Опубликовал:Colea
  • Дата:03.09.2024, 22:33
  • Просмотров:107
  • Комментариев:0
  • Категория:Moldova
Описание материала:


 1 whole chicken (or chicken parts such as back, wings, neck)

 2 carrots, cut into rounds

 1 large onion, whole

 1 parsnip root, cut into rounds

 1 celery root, diced

 1 bell pepper, diced

 2-3 potatoes, diced

 200g homemade noodles (or noodles)

 1 bunch of parsley, finely chopped

 Salt and pepper to taste

 1 tablespoon of oil



 Preparation of the meat:

 Wash the chicken well and cut into portions.  Place the chicken pieces in a large pot of cold water and add a teaspoon of salt.

 Bring the water to a boil and skim the foam that forms on the surface.


 Adding vegetables:

 After removing the foam, add the whole onion, carrots, parsnips, celery and bell pepper.

 Let everything simmer on a low heat for about 1-1.5 hours, until the meat and vegetables are well cooked.


 Adding the potatoes and noodles:

 Remove the whole onion from the soup and add the diced potatoes.  Let it boil until the potatoes are almost done.

 Add the homemade noodles and let it boil for another 5-10 minutes, until the noodles are cooked.


 Finishing the soup:

 Taste the soup and add salt and pepper to taste.

 Add the finely chopped parsley and a tablespoon of oil for extra flavor.



 Serve hot chicken broth with fresh bread or polenta.  It's a comforting and flavorful soup, perfect for any occasion.
